
Key points shaping the educational landscape and what that means for the next superintendent


The Florida education landscape 发生了变化e the last time 杜瓦县 was seeking a new school superintendent. 在本文中,您将学习:

  • 影响教育格局的力量.
  • 今天成为一名管理者需要付出的代价.
  • 社区的作用.undefined超级挑战:2023年成为一名学校负责人需要什么

Dr. 香农·瓦尔加,数据与研究部主任

Florida 教育领导力正在转变,67所学校中有61所是这样 在过去的四年里,警司离职 (Solochek, 2023). As the 杜瓦县 School Board begins its search for a 新主管, JPEF 看看 education landscape 发生了变化最后一次转型发生在2017年 以及当今首席执行官所需要的素质. 我们发现 整体的成功将取决于 community support of a superintendent who can build coalitions with a variety of stakeholders 围绕着对学生的积极愿景. 


政治化. 督察的角色一直很难填补,而且是 only 变得更加困难. Historically, 警司的离职率一直在15%左右, 但从2020年到2022年,这一比例跃升至46%(国际劳工组织), 2022). Previous 研究表明 there’s not a single set of characteristics that make a superintendent right for any one school district (JPEF, 2017). 然而,每个督学都有多方面的职责 must 以某种方式承担,包括: 

  • 教学领导
  • 建立关系
  • 资源分配
  • Budgeting
  • F食品和运输 management 

The center 然而,责任是孩子和他们的学习. While the position was always political as superintendents are often seen as civic leaders in their community, 角色的政治化 seemingly超过 2023年的其他职责.

克莱蒙特研究生大学教授卡尔 Cohn sa我是监管机构鉴于目前的政治状况,这是一个不可能的立场. 随着越来越多的管理者陷入争议之中, 他们几乎没有时间关注股权, 学生的学习, teaching, 或者建立关系" (Anderson, 2022). This is an 前所未有的 political time to be stepping into the spotlight as a superintendent and the next superintendent will have to contend with this context. 

Landscape. The Florida education landscape looks vastly different today than it did in 2017, 与技术变革无关. Florida has expanded school choice measures several times over the past decade, allowing more students and families to choose schools and private schools to proliferate. The Florida Policy Institute estimates the number of private schools has grown by 在过去的十年里,佛罗里达州有30%, 与全国趋势相反, 而同期下降了9%(佛罗里达政策研究所, 2023). 2017年,这个数字还不到 500000名学生 were being educated using choice scholarships, in 2023 that number is reported to be 1.300万学生(FL.gov). With the introduction of HB1 this year, which will remove restrictions for utilizing 选择代金券, economists predict the cost will be three-times the current amount for the family empowerment scholarship (Florida Policy Institute, 2023). In sum, the landscape has drastically shifted and will continue to shift due to policy conditions. 

Technology. DCPS already had a plan in 2018-2019 to ensure teachers and classrooms were equipped with technology tools to enhance learning, but the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly accelerated an expansion in discussions to include ensuring parents and students are better equipped with hardware and wifi 在家学习. Exp专家估计,学生人数将增加20-40%ts have 与大流行前相比,现在的国内技术(EdWeek, 2021). The increase in a variety of schools models comes with greater availability of distance programs, where 80% or more of the instruction is delivered using some form of technology remotely, 以及混合项目, 30-79%的教学是远程授课. The next superintendent will be stepping into a landscape with such variety, they will have to expertly navigate the nuances of when distance and in person learninG可以是最好的 leveraged 哪些学生. 


正如JPEF在2017年发现的那样, there is still no single profile of a superintendent that would excel in every district, but there are characteristics that would be particularly helpful for the future of education in 杜瓦县. The below characteristics have always been helpful for superintendents but the need for them has been exacerbated 由以上语境变化. 

跨部门联盟建设. 2023年,社区面临的挑战不仅仅是学校建筑. Superintendents have always had to be 的关系 and coalition builders in their own schools, but with the increase in privatization as well as increased interest in from other sectors such as business and health, 杜瓦尔县的警长需要有能力 leverage 非学校伙伴的利益 真正带来t equitable 学生的改变. 

Knowledge of 社区. 从历史上看,督学的愿景ignment with the school boards and districts existing vision has been correlated with their tenure (JPEF, 2017). Today, 随着公众监督和参与的增加, the superintendent must ensure they align with broader community vision and goals. This can be done through working closely with key community engaging and serving organizations. 糟糕的工作关系将会如此 likely lead to decisions and policies that are not supported, valued, or bought into by 社区. 良好的工作关系 is more likely to lead to 欢迎变化和长寿. 

灵活的关系建立技巧.之前COVID-19, many superintendents could passively rely on natural touch points with school staff and community members built into the school day and calendar.如今,无法保证与所有这些人面对面交流. 在covid -19大流行后,管理者必须拥有 的关系 建立不依赖的技能 solely 关于频繁进入-人际互动和 a 非常有意的关系建立计划. 

视觉能力 当股权可以在光明或阴影中成长. The reality of discussions of education and equity in Florida are extremely polarized. There are 严格的政策 emerging 比学校更快 review curriculum 和资源, which affect 历史上最边缘化的学生正如珍·奇塔姆所说,管理者需要 “the 政治敏锐度要知道如何保护公平工作, 让它成长……[以及]如何为孩子们做好事情It means making decisions about when to shine the spotlight on issues and how and when to allow equity focused work to grow and take root in more protected spaces out of the political spotlight.” These are necessary choices in such a polarized landscape and can help with stability while making equitable impacts for students 现在有哪些人在上学.  

肯定的愿景. 到了2023年,就有了 a wealth 关于公立学校的负面信息和新闻. 杜瓦尔县需要一位能够: 

  • Rally 社区 behind common affirmative goals centered on 学生的学习 and resiliency, 

  • Hold space for difficult conversations in an increasingly polarized context, 

  • U懂得如何去做 leverage the strengths of students, teachers, family members, and the broader 杜瓦县 community and 

  • Refocus 社区's energy and passion on the promise and hope that public education should provide. 


督察一职的人员流动率空前高, 然而,专家们认为,永远不会有“a” shortage of people who want to do right by their communities… we just have to do a better job of supporting them” (安德森,2022).

要成功,就要社会 and the school board need to support a superintendent who can build a coalition across sectors and party lines and leverage 我们学生的具体优势, teachers, families, businesses, 和当地的非营利组织一起为我们的学校实现一个积极的愿景.  




